الاسناد الكامل للمقالة هو:
Milad MH, Gamal AM, Rab MM. Chronic Posttraumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the
Thoracic Aorta 55 Years after A Blunt Trauma - A Case Report With Review
of Literature. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015 Mar;10(1):25-8.
عنوان المقالة هو:
Chronic Posttraumatic Pseudoaneurysm of the Thoracic Aorta 55 Years after A Blunt Trauma - A Case Report With Review of Literature
و ملخصها (Abstract) هو:
Injuries of thoracic aorta due to blunt trauma carry very high
mortality rates and studies estimated that less than 2% of people who
sustain it remain alive if they were not diagnosed and treated
appropriately. Moreover, even those lucky few live with the risk of
rupture of the Pseudoaneurysm that can develop years to decades after
the causative trauma culminating in the fatal internal hemorrhage. This
paper reports a case of a 72-years-old Libyan male who sustained a blunt
chest injury and multiple rib fractures 55 years ago that resulted in a
large pseudoaneurysm of the arch of aorta.
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